Thursday, November 13, 2008

My bigotry

I know I have bigotries -- things that make me simply intolerant of my fellow human beings. I just recently quit posting on Democratic Underground because I simply lost my manners on that online community from my own intolerance of other people's stupidity.

I thought sometimes it was kinda fun to do a form of intellectual jiu jitsu there, making as little and as unoffensive post that would still trigger other peoples' irrational rages. The last post I did there yesterday was an example of this. I see now that I was just trying to piss people off--which is uncool. My need to trip others up is mean and simply had no place on that board. I'm not the boss of other people's manners.

This is not my worst bigotry, of course. My worst, impulsive, misanthropic hatred is my gut level loathing of people who've had cosmetic surgery. That shit is just gross. I don't need to make amends for that prejudice.


Update: (ten minutes later) I also think people who write "G-d" instead of "God" are being unnecessarily squeamish. I really don't think you're gonna be struck by lightning if you write down the letter oh there, kids.

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